Sueños con Fiber/Timber, Earth/Concrete

Grupo Mota-Engil and MIT Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism Installation


Dreams of Fiber/Timber, Earth, Concrete
21-25 September, 2022
Alameda Central, Corner of Avenida Juárez and Doctor Mora.

Updates @mitsap @mit_lcau @motaengil_mexico @mextropoli

Dreams of Fiber/Timber, Earth, Concrete is a participatory, architectural installation featured in the Mextrópoli Architecture and City Festival (September 21-25, 2022). Dreams of Fiber/Wood, Earth/Concrete unfolds stories about Mexico City through four materials, their provenance, and their promise for the future. Through its critical adaptation of traditional uses of these materials, this installation invites visitors to recognize the palimpsest of Mexico City’s histories and imagine new possibilities. The installation consists of two main pavilions:

Dreams of Fiber/Timber reflects on the past and future of Mexico City. Built from wood recycled from the city’s iconic rollercoaster (La Feria’s Montaña Rusa), the pavilion adapts the pre-Columbian art form known as papel picado (perforated paper), whose openings invite ancestors to pass through to the present.

Dreams of Earth/Concrete explores the future of affordable housing in Mexico by minimizing the material impact of existing construction methods. This pavilion has been developed in partnership with New Story, an international nonprofit organization that pioneers solutions to end global homelessness, and Échale, a social enterprise based in Mexico that offers housing solutions through the integral development of communities.

The exhibition invites the public to imagine the future of Mexico City, and through Dreams of encourages residents to share their dreams, hopes, and ideas for the future of Mexico City. 

Grupo Mota-Engil
Project Team: Onésimo Flores, Sergio Haua, Ivar Castillo, Jorge Cerrilla, Oscar Vera, Gemi González

MIT Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism
Director: Sarah Williams.
Project Team: Alberto Meouchi, Jariyaporn Prachasartta, Doris Qingyi Duanmu, Niko McGlashan, Deni López, Illana Strauss and Enrique Casillas. Construction: La Invencible. Research and Design of Dream Tickets: Claudia Ortiz Chao, Maria Moreno, Carina Arvizu, Carlos Flores and Santiago Fernandez
Follow: @datasew @ameouchi @a_jari @takewoooood @nikodellic

MIT Digital Structures
Director: Caitlin Mueller.
Project Team: Edu Gascón, Tim Cousin, Mohamed Ismail, Sandy Curth, Kiley Feickert, Leslie Norford.
In Collaboration with: ECHALE, New Story, Manufactura, Anfora Studio, Formas de Fibra de Vidrio.
Follow: @digitalstructuresmit @p_a_l_z_i_n_c @moh.isms @sandycurth @kiley_fi

MIT Future Urban Collectives and Collaborating Artist Marisa Morán Jahn
Director: Rafi Segal.
Collaborating Artist: Marisa Morán Jahn.
Project Team: Maria Rius Ruiz- NUA arquitectures, Patricia Dueñas Gerritsen, Jungmin Lee, Karla Mejias. Structural Engineering: Caitlin Mueller, Edu Gascón, Tim Cousin. Construction: Mextropoli/La Invencible
Follow: @rafisegal_au @segal_rafi @marisa_jahn @nuaarquitectures @mariariusruiz @jjongmyn @karlgma @mextropoli @lainvencibleorg

Project Team: Francesco Piazzesi, Gretel Uribe Campos, Eduardo Piedrola, Eduardo Banda, Fernanda Herrejón, Javier Velasco, Gustavo García. 
Follow: @echalemex

New Story
Project Team: Victor Mendoza, Sandra Prieto
Follow: @newstory

Co-Founders: Dinorah Martínez Schulte, Edurne Morales, Eduardo Barba, Elena Fierro
Project Director: Dinorah Martínez Schulte
Project Team: Aleida Rahel Merkel, Ivan Ramos, Jared Zarate, Irma Valdes, Jorge Orduna 
Follow: @dinorahmschulte @manufacturamx

Anfora Studio
Project Team: Saul Rivera, Sofia Priscila, Sara Flores, Amaury De La Rosa, Polette Guerrero 
Follow: @anforastudio

Formas de Fibra de Vidrio
Project Team: Jacinto Hernández Espindola